St. Luke’s Community School Program at Panther Valley School District
WHO and WHAT: St. Luke’s University Health Network (SLUHN) Miners Campus partners with the Panther Valley School District in the Adopt a School Program. The Adopt a School Program uses the school district as a hub in the community to improve the health and educational outcomes of the students. Local School Coordinators and Community Leadership Committees assess, evaluate and guide the initiatives. St. Luke’s evidence-based programs/services include:
- Mobile Youth Health Services (Connecting Students to Medical, Dental & Vision Vans, Insurance, Physical & Behavioral Health Assessments and Services)
- Mental Health Programs (YESS! program, Adolescent Depression Awareness, Substance Abuse Prevention and Healthy Relationship Programs)
- Healthy Living Initiatives (Tail on the Trail, Live Your Life, School Gardens, Nutrition and Health Education Programs)
- Literacy Programs (Dr. Seuss Day, Little Free Libraries and free access to books throughout the year for all)
- Youth Development and Career Mentoring
WHEN: Throughout the year different programs occur for different grades and district wide while community outreach to connect students and families to care occurs on a consistent basis.
WHY: Every three years St. Luke’s conducts a Community Health Needs Assessment where we have found Adolescent Health, Mental Health, Access to Care (medical, dental, vision, insurance), Chronic Disease Prevention & Management and Elder Health as the priority needs.
Our next CHNA will occur in 2025.
To learn more about St. Luke's University Health Network and the Department of Community Health, check us out here.